Building stronger communities through support and service integration
About LCN
Our vision at Linking Communities Network Ltd is for “all people to have access to safe, secure, affordable housing, live free from violence, have equal rights, opportunities for participation and the freedom to reach their potential.”
Linking Communities Network Ltd (LCN) is the lead agency for homelessness and domestic violence services in Griffith, Leeton, Narrandera, Hay, West Wyalong, Hillston, Lake Cargelligo and all areas in between.
The target group for our services are women with or without dependent children, youth, men and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness for various reasons, including domestic and family violence, relationship breakdown, poverty, trauma and financial issues.
The service operates via a trauma informed approach and works to achieve goals that the client sets. Our team are passionate advocates who work alongside clients in a case management framework to meet their goals.
We are a non-government, not for profit Company Limited By Guarantee governed by an experienced, diversely skilled Board of Directors who ensure the organisation meets it strategic direction and supports clients to achieve goals in the 7 wellbeing outcomes of safety, home, economic, health, education and skills, social and community, and empowerment.
LCN is also a registered Community Housing Provider and manages transitional housing in Griffith.
Our Vision and Mission
Partnering with the Murrumbidgee Housing and Accommodation Service, Linking Communities is the lead agency for Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) and Domestic Violence Services in the region.
Our mission is to ensure that people who are homeless or at risk, are supported to achieve safe and stable housing in the community. SHS are a vital part of the broader social service system but are not the only part.
Linking Communities operates a “No Wrong Door approach” to our services. Clients can come to us through any of our services and programs for support – if we can’t directly assist someone, we will direct them to another service.
We aim to develop strategies for working collaboratively with other services at a local level to increase positive outcomes for clients.
We service the entire Western Murrumbidgee District including Griffith, Darlington Point, Leeton, Narrandera, Coleambally, Hay, Hillston, Lake Cargelligo, Ardlethan, Barellan and West Wyalong.
Client focused services include: Early Intervention and Prevention, Rapid Rehousing Response, Crisis and Transitional Response, Intensive Support and Complex Trauma Response, Emergency Accommodation Options, Outreach Services.
In 1978, a need was identified by community members to establish a women’s refuge in Griffith. A committee was formed and after negotiation with Council, a house was provided to the newly formed committee at the top end of Banna Avenue. Funding was received after negotiation with the NSW Government and the Griffith Women’s Refuge was opened in late 1978. After some time, the house was relocated in 1982 to land in Kookora St.
The Griffith Women’s Refuge provided accommodation and support to women and children from Griffith and surrounding areas who were witnessing or experiencing domestic violence or experiencing some trauma within their lives that made them homeless.
Langunyah House Youth Refuge commenced operation in 1985 in temporary accommodation in Yambil Street to provide crisis accommodation services to youth. In 1987, a successful submission enabled the committee at the time to purchase the current premises at 18 Whitton Street Griffith.
The refuge at that time provided accommodation for up to eight young people, some as young as 11, until the introduction of the Children and Young Persons Care and Protection Act which shifted the responsibilities for children under 16 to the Department of Family and Community Services.
In 2014, NSW Government reforms required all homelessness services in NSW to be tendered. The Board of the Women’s Refuge and the committee of the Youth Refuge elected to merge as a result of the tender and submit to provide services to a broader range of clientele.
After successful tender, Linking Communities Network Ltd was formed. The target groups now include women, youth, men and families. Our service area is the Western Murrumbidgee District of NSW and we continue to supply a much-needed service to not only clients from our district, but state-wide.